Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I just talked to Jake at Blue Moon

Do you like how all my posts start with "I just..."? Kind of funny. So, Jake from Blue Moon explained some things about the way the lab works there. I can tell that they take a lot of pride in their work and they process of the film. They print their proofs from the negatives and he explained that a lot of labs print proofs from the scan, which takes away from the look of film. That is very interesting. I wonder how Richards does it. They are definitely more expensive and actually they are very close in price with Richards. If I send them one roll of 36 exposure color neg film, it will cost about $32 (26+shipping which I think he said was 6)to get it developed, print proofs, scanned, and shipped back to me. At Richards, I am looking at 18 for the developing and scanning, 4 for the proofs and 9 for shipping, that totals $31. Richards is actually cheaper!! They take about twice as long processing, though.

I felt like Jake at Blue Moon was more approachable than Bill at Richards. He explained to me a lot of details about the process and invited to come to the lab since it is my first order and see the results and they could answer any questions that I have. Richard's is good about that too, it was just a good experience and I have a feeling I will probably go back and forth trying to figure out which lab I like better for a while.

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