Thursday, August 20, 2009

Exposure Comparisons

I have been looking forward to the results of this test for a while! Let me explain, the close series is taken with the 400H. The image on the far left is one stop overexposed, the far image on the right is 6 stops overexposed and each image in between represents one stop difference. The second series (more zoomed out) is the same thing, but with the 800Z. Notice how the more overexposed the image is, the more soft and less contrasty it becomes. Now, I was really surprised there wasn't a greater difference in the images and the two images side by side were taken from the 400H test and I just played with with color and levels in photoshop to make them look really similar. You have so much latitude shooting film! When in doubt, just bump up your exposure! None of the images in the two series are photoshopped.

With that, I am going to announce my studies in film are mostly complete! I don't have enough content to continue posting everyday, but every once in a while when I learn something new, I will try to share it.


  1. Oh beautiful me! Ha ha, this is so neat, I can't believe how little it changed the result when being overexposed 6 stops! crazy. Now, I'm curious to see the same test done in the opposite direction. Taking it down really far to see how far it goes before you have nothing good. Hmmmmmm...
    Also, I must say that film is just so flattering of people, there is me in my most non-glamourous beauty, looking decent(I should've done something cute!)! I have NEVER liked a picture of me from test shots, etc, but I see this and have hope of how I might look in real life...maybe?

  2. i say go for it... film is beautiful!! i mean six stops!!!! when in doubt overexpose..... this is awesome!! i can't wait to see more of your film images. love from WV!!!!

  3. Missy!! I love that you've done this blog! I just got done shooting TWO weddings in Hawaii, and I had loads of film left over from the workshop, as well as a box of 120 400H of my own and so I get here and I'm like "hey you guys want me to shoot them all in film?" and both my couples were like "Sure!" So I've shot BOTH the weddings in film and every once in a while I have mini panic attacks like "What if it didn't turn out!!?" or "What if the film gets ruined!!??" but your blog has reassured me. I know I haven't made any big mistakes...I've been over exposing at LEAST 1-2 stops, if not a little more sometimes (Its so sunny over here) and so yeah. THis last post was great, because I was really overexposing my stuff that I shot last night (3 stops at least) and I was getting a little nervous. Anyways, that was a big rant. Your blog made me happy! Where are you getting your film processed??

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