It is so difficult to make mistakes shooting film! Today at a wedding I fear that I underexposed some of my images by 4 stops! Luckily Mel was there shooting digital as my backup so there is no harm other than to my hopes and dreams of getting some amazing film shots. I feel like I am getting so much better at shooting film and I rocked that roll other than my one tiny little issue of completely ruining the roll!
Ya know, that is the second time I have messed up my exposure because I forgot to check the aperture before shooting away, the first time I caught it after shooting only three images and just re shot them, but this time, my heart broke a little inside.
On a more positive note, I got a bunch of film back from the lab (I have been shooting a roll or two at every wedding this year and I LOVE what I am getting! Here is a pretty image that I love. Click on it to see it bigger because this little thumbnail just won't do it justice ;)
Mmmmm, yummy grainy laciness! Love that you share the ups and the DOWNS!