Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some 800Z

These are taken right out of camera and 1/2 stop overexposed. I exposed for the shadows with my light meter and the light meter was telling me that it was overexposing at the aperture I wanted 1.5 so I doubled the shudder speed to make it only .5 over. These are straight out of the camera taken at f2.8 with the Pentax 645. I did have some issue with flair as you can see and although I do like flair sometimes, it just doesn't look very good on film and I also want to have control and not ever be surprised when I get my film back. For that reason, when I buy my Contax (which is hopefully soon) I will be getting a bellows for it to block all flair. Jon has one on his Contax and says it works like a charm and way better than the lens hood that goes with the Contax lens.


  1. These are awesome! I love them. I also love the 800Z. Did you have any correction done? I know you mentioned 800Z usually has more magenta/rosey tones.

  2. On my end, these are staight out of camera, though Richard's probably did correct for the magenta.

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